This is the best I've heard so far!
Thanks Mags!


At 07:33 AM 10/4/01 -0400, Mags wrote:
>this was sent by a friend...
>Killing Bin Laden will only create a martyr. Holding
>him prisoner will
>inspire his comrades to take hostages to demand his
>release.  Therefore, I suggest
>we do neither. Instead, let the Special Forces, Seals
>or whatever covertly capture him,
>fly him to an undisclosed hospital and have surgeons
>quickly perform a complete
>sex change operation. Then we return HER to
>Afghanistan to live as a woman
>under the Taliban.
>And this loving is a drawing close,
>a tuning in, an opening.
>Until one perfect moment;
>but how can it be expressed?
>A receiving, an enfolding
>as I cradle you in my arms.
>Within my heart, within my soul,
>You are my true love.
>      --Lui Collins
>                   _~O
>                  / /\_,
>                ___/\
>                    /_

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