My friend the Lama quipped, about Osama having sex reassignment surgery:

>I think he's already half way there, Mags.  I mean, anyone who goes out of
>his way to kill civilians already has no balls.

Now, not to attack personally, I *promise* - I know this was not intended 
as anything but a quip criticizing Osama... but it really is the kind of 
statement that our sexist society socializes us into, unjustly.

To associate "having no balls" (= being feminine, being female, being a 
woman) with all things negative - and killing civilians is pretty much as 
negative as it gets! - well, that is evidence of a societal problem of 
devaluing all things female.

I just wanted to say this to share my thoughts with everyone: that these 
sorts of associations are unacceptable. And I am sure all sorts of 
unacceptable associations pass by me every day - I am sure I MAKE them 
despite my best intentions - and I hope that when they do other people keep 
pointing them out to me so I can keep learning... And in this spirit I 
point this out.

hugs and respect to all,

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