In a message dated 10/4/01 11:53:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Fabio!!! hee hee >>

Damn that Fabio! Last time I was in LA -- four years ago this coming January 
-- I was there for a month while various coworkers came and went after a 
spending a few days working on the project we were there to do. 

Everyone else in my group saw major celebs left and right, but I just kept 
seeing Fabio over and over again because he owned a restaurant that was right 
across Sunset Strip from my hotel (The Argyle). I think Fabio's restaurant is 
a Cajun place, go figure. 

Finally, on my last day there, after having my hair dyed platinum blond the 
day before, I was checking out of the hotel when Lawrence Fishburn, who had a 
few days earlier watched the Super Bowl in the hotel bar with three of my 
coworkers, walked through the lobby and did a major double take when HE saw 
ME with my brand new bright blond hair contrasting with my bright pink tavern 
tan! Robert, one of the people I was with, caught Fishburn's double take and 
immediately started laughing uncontrollably. 

And although I am impressed that Wally met Maria Callas, *I* met Tina Louise 
(Yes, THAT Tina Louise from Gilligan's Island) when I appeared in a 
never-released film called The Pool with her. (I was an extra, she was the 
star.) There was one scene in the movie, *my* scene, that called for Miss 
Louise to angrily fly past the group I was in after an argument with her 
lover. We were all in black tie around a beautiful pool at a mansion in 
Massachusetts, and the group I was in was supposed to be chatting very 
quietly in the background while Miss Louise stormed past. After about the 
twentieth take, at about four o'clock in the morning, my group had run out of 
things to murmur in the background, so our conversation went something like 

WILL: Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale.

ROSA: A tale of a fateful trip?

BOB: That started from this tropic port?

CYNTHIA: Aboard this tiny ship? 

But at the end of the day, Fabio and TIna Louise don't add up to Joni. 
Congratulations, Stephen. I guess the ruby slippers brought you luck. 


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