Does no one find this very ironic that Clinton did a real estate deal in
Arkansas and out of that so much outrage flowed, but the Bush family's
dealings - ongoing if the WSJ is correct that Bush the elder was meeting
with the bin Laden family in 2000 - last year!!!!!!!! - with the bin
Ladens is dismissed as degrees of separation?

Oh, come on!  I hope everyone who supported the Whitewater investigation
and the revealing of every private matter in the Clinton family history
will show the same zeal in supporting investigations into these
matters.  Surely if Hillary's business transactions were interesting,
this is far more so!

The Bush family - bin Laden family common investments in the Carlyle
Group being verified by the Wall Street Journal and no Republicans in
the Congress demanding a special investigator?   How convenient the
moral outrage is over who (Clintons or Bushs) makes money, what they
make money with (real estate versus armaments) and with whom they make
money (other Arkansans versus the bin Ladens).

Not since George Bush the 1st sent Bob Dole to Iraq to toast Saddam
Hussein in 1990...

We don't need any flame wars over this, but c'mon, doesn't all strike
anyone as a teensy bit strange that the old investigate Whitewater crowd
has not responded the same way to this?  No one needs post or reply - it
is just so interesting.

I am really missing Marcel from this list at moments like this...

as I am singing a little old Country Joe song,

"But c'mon on Wall street, don't be slow,
let's man this war a go go!
There's plenty of good money to be made
supplying the army with the tools of trade!"

And to think that I may be the first one on the list and on the block to
have my boy come home in a box!

(the Rev) Vince
NPIMH: the FISH cheer

 PS: Marcel and I have been talking a lot of baseball as his beloved SF
Giants try to win their way into the playoffs.  He is fine, doing well,
and we have also been trading memories of Janis Joplin, whom he actually
met and had a few drinks with!  Also some marvelous stories of Peter
Townsend and Roger Daltry.

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