
I subscribed to the list a few months ago, but never found the occasion 
to get out of the dark, mainly because of my bad English. I am very 
curious about the opinions of all those who do not share my point 
of view (provided that they are sensible people who know what they are 
talking about). I think I have learned a lot from many posts I have seen 
in this list. I was deeply touched by Kakki's message:

>I will say that I am very saddened by the anti-American sentiment that 
>I've seen revealed in a lot of the European press since Sept. 11th. I 
>think we always had a vague idea that the Euros looked down on us a 
>bit, but had no idea how deep the hostility runs. I think it is a rude 
>awakening for a lot of us who go along like puppy dogs thinking 
>everyone is our good friend. I am willing to reconsider how we are 
>viewed by the world and the reasons why and I only hope that the 
>Europeans would also try to reconsider us on some things, too.

In general, I don't like generalising (I am a Groucho Marxist too), also 
because Europe is much less a single entity than you may think in the 
US. Speaking about *Europeans* might be useless. Conversely, it is 
difficult to me to understand the beautiful force that binds 
Americans (oops, I generalised!) together. This compactness in hard 
times is probably your major strenght, at least from my *European* point 
of view. 

When I was much younger, I used to be "anti-American". Getting older 
(but alas not much wiser) I realized that this is a stupid attitude. I 
don't agree (to put it mildly) with many decisions taken by US 
governments over the years, and I have seen that many of you do not 
agree with them as well. I have read in another post that an English 
woman stupidly attacked Kakki without any reason, as if she were 
responsible for any decision taken by the US president. I am *European*, 
but hopefully I am not stupid, and I wish not to be confused with people 
like that. I know that after September 11th you probably feel 
precipitated in a nightmare. I am scared too and I am not much 
optimistic about the future. If something good can come from this 
horrendous situation, maybe it is this necessity to understand what 
happens outside the borders of our countries (no matter how wide they 
I hope it was not too long or tedious as a first post. By the way, how 
can I get a copy of Joni's Sanremo act?



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