> Hi Jenny,
> Haven't seen that one but I did discover that Larry also had a very
> fleeting part, as a part of the "band" toward the end of the movie,
> "Loverboy" with Patrick Dempsey.
> Guess he pops up in flicks once in awhile!
> Best,
> Gary
> >
> > Hey kids,
> > So I'm home sick and I see a movie called Sugar Town in the cable listings. I
> > tune in and see Rosanna Arquette and a bunch of other fringe stars and then
> > on comes this guy who looks vaguely familiar, like I know him for real from
> > somewhere but I can't place him. And he's playing this sleezy music manager
> > type creep. And it turns out to be Larry freakin' Klein! Has anyone else seen
> > this piece of drek? Since when is Larry Klein in the movies????
> > Love
> > JennyMac

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