I've put a link to the paintings below.  I have to say that I was very
impressed by them, more than I expected to be.  You have to look at them a
bit to really see everything.  There is a face of tragedy in the smoke
coming from WTC 1 and a face very similar to Bin Laden (look for the turban)
in the fire coming out of WTC 2.  The painting from her bedroom is very
dreamlike and the book looked to me to be like a bible, but with a Red Cross
and the title "NEWS" on the cover.  Very interesting.  She always amazes me
at how
prolific she can be (short turnaround time between event, inspiration and
creation).  She told Stephen and I that she did these paintings right after
Sept. 11th.  They are very well done.  I'm sorry my scan job isn't so great
and you might notice that one of them ripped as I was putting it through the
scanner!  I hope you all can get a copy of this - it is well
worth it.

To hopefully clarify why there may not have been commentary from Joni in the
Hilburn article - his article is one of several written by the LA Times
various critics in Drama, Dance, Art, Film, Theater, Television,
Architecture, Classical Music and Pop Music.  All of those articles are
accompanied by art work in various media done by local LA artists.  They
don't really "go" with the articles, except to be other expressions of Sept.
11th.   Would love to hear more from Joni on the subject in an interview
soon.  I hear she did talk about this at the Toronto tribute, so hopefully
our roving (and missing) reporters will fill us in soon ;-)



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