Kate wrote:

>He did say that they had the duty to act as the >Fourth Estate which means
to use critical >thinking as opposed to being an mouthpiece >of the
government. I think that was his main >point.

I would disagree with him there because I have heard much discussed from all
sides in the media for weeks now.  He sounds like he is not really listening
to many of the media outlets.  I've seen the cable news channels interview
many people from all sides of this, even the ones who would tell Americans
what they don't want to hear.  I have seen the media bend over backwards in
many cases to provide a forum for all viewpoints, both domestic and
international.  What he wishes for is already happening and has been
happening since this began.  The media also includes the comments of our
current administration who have been characterizing this as good vs. evil,
but I don't find that particular characterization incorrect.  I see much
more evil on one side right now than the other and so do 80 to 90% of
Americans, so it's not surprising that the news media, rather than being a
propoganda arm of the government, are actually reflecting the views of the

> I do not think that anyone is trying to act >superior here, nor have I
ever heard anyone >ever say that we deserve what has happened >since 9/11.
Looking at root causes does not >tranlate into a support of terrorism.

I did not mean people here on the list were acting superior - I have read a
number of articles from the U.S. and around the world where people are
literally saying we deserved it or are implying it very strongly.  Many of
the radical Islamics all around the world are being shown on TV cheering and
celebrating our tragedy - they obviously think we deserve it.

> I believe in order to make postive changes, >you first have to have a
vision of the way you >want your life, or your world to be. So these
>constructive ideas are given in that frame of >mind. The politicians can
work out the
> details ;~)

I like your constructive ideas and I think ideally that U.S. pollicy would
embrace them to the fullest extent possible.  I think the people of the U.S.
mostly have great and humane visions and ideals, but I also think hard
reality gets in the way of us achieving our fullfillment of them too often.


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