Susan Guzzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think it was someone from Chicago (Fred?) as he used
>the Sears Tower in his example, I too fear the reality
>of nuclear disaster from these "suitcase nukes." I am
>more scared than at any time during the Cold War.  I
>have been working out in my head, when I get depressed
>or bored, escape plans or safer places to live. 
>Sometimes I feel crazy cause this seems to be the last
>thing everyone thinks is going to happen.   What are
>we doing about defending against that or is it this

Yeah, it was me that mentioned it, and you're right, there is no defense 
against this scenario. Although it may not be a feasible reality yet, the 
cold truth is that these terrorists want it to be feasible and are working 
toward it. When it becomes feasible, what will stop them? The mythical 
missile defense shield? Terrorists to USA: "Hey, Stars Wars this, mofo!"


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