Sorry if someone mentioned this already, but in our home one of our favorite 
books is Raymond Briggs' "The Snowman." It has no text, only pictures, and 
it's beautiful, charming, and moving. There's also a short film of it, which 
may be even better in the sense that it has really great, enchanting music 
wall to wall (there being no dialogue). Its animation is faithful to the 
original, and our daughter has loved it since she was one year old, as have 

So recently I got the book, too, which she loved (she's two, now), but beware 
the ending in which the snowman melts. After blithely watching the video for 
a year, and reading it many times, one day when we got to the last page she 
burst into tears and got very angry ... she had finally understood 
impermanence and loss.


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