Victor said:
<<I'll be doing my first solo performance in Athens this Friday.
It will be at The Bean'ry, a local coffeeshop.  If any of y'all
from Atlanta or anywhere else want to drive up, I'd be glad to
see you.  Details are below.

Victor Johnson at The Bean'ry
510 Thomas Street
Athens, Georgia 30601

Starts about 9:30 with opening act
no cover>>

So????  Who all is coming????  Gisele and I plan to be there,
since she's not playing this Friday.  Anyone else?  Steve and
Ken?  Bob, I think I owe you a beer (not to mention a few CDs)...
you up for a little road trip?  Kammy?  Sybil, aren't you in GA?
We Suthun JMDLers need to meet up!


Victor Johnson

"Velveteen rabbits and moonbeams,
Come when you lay down your head.
While you are sleeping, they kiss you and tell you,
That you are the reason the sun lights the sky."

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