Cadinot does make much better porn. real average people, well filmed. The US ones
are crude, the actors(!) are too built, too big(would you want to?), too plastic,
the sex talk is vulgar and so unreal and who the hell spills a pint in real life?

I'd rather watch Mary Poppins.


> Being Staight and acting in Gay Porn would account for the miserable faces
> and the wooden dialogue. The only gay porn that i have found vaguely arousing
> comes from a french porn house called cadinot. The men have hair where they
> shouldnt and less than perfect bods and surprise of all surprises they really
> do seem to be enjoying themselves. Perfection never was a turn on. Discuss?

DAK,BRO GC, 950i, 940,860,864,890, 260,Silver 830,860, 580 and 270, Passap 6000,


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