Novelist, 60s Icon Ken Kesey Dies 
11/10/2001 3:23 PM EST

Ken Kesey, who broke into the literary scene with "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's 
Nest" and then helped immortalize the psychedelic 1960s with an LSD-fueled 
bus ride, died Saturday. He was 66.

Kesey died at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Eugene, two weeks after cancer 
surgery to remove 40 percent of his liver.

After studying writing at Stanford University, Kesey gained fame in 1962 with 
"One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," followed quickly with "Sometimes a Great 
Notion" in 1964, then went 28 years before publishing his third major novel.

In 1964, he rode cross-country in an old school bus named Furthur driven by 
Neal Cassady, hero of Jack Kerouac's beat generation classic, "On The Road." 
The passengers called themselves the Merry Pranksters and sought 
enlightenment through the psychedelic drug LSD. The odyssey is documented in 
Tom Wolfe's 1968 account, "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test."

 "There was a lot of the frontiersman in him, an unwillingness to accept 
conventional answers to a lot of profound questions," said Pulitzer Prize 
winning novelist Larry McMurtry, who was in a Stanford writing seminar with 
Kesey. "We argued and debated a lot of things. But I never would not listen 
to him, even if I thought some of what he said was gobbledygook, because 
there would always be the perception of genius if you waited him out."

When the Los Angeles Times honored Kesey's lifetime of work with the Robert 
Kirsh Award in 1991, Charles Bowden wrote that "Anyone trying to get a handle 
on our times had better read Kesey. And unless we get lucky and things 
change, they're going to have to read him a century from now too."

"He's gone too soon and he will leave a big gap. Always the leader, now he 
leads the way again," said Ken Babbs, a longtime friend.

"Sometimes a Great Notion," widely considered Kesey's best book, tells the 
saga of the Stamper clan, rugged independent loggers carving a living out of 
the Oregon woods under the motto, "Never Give A Inch." It was made into a 
movie starring Henry Fonda and Paul Newman.

But "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" became much more widely known because 
of a movie that Kesey hated. It tells the story of R.P. McMurphy, who feigned 
insanity to get off a prison farm, only to be lobotomized when he threatened 
the authority of the mental hospital.

The 1974 movie swept the Academy Awards for best picture, best director, best 
actor and best actress, but Kesey sued the producers because it took the 
viewpoint away from the character of the schizophrenic Indian, Chief Bromden.

Kesey based the story on experiences working at the Veterans Administration 
hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., while attending Wallace Stegner's writing 
seminar at Stanford. Kesey also volunteered for experiments with LSD.

Kesey continued to write short autobiographical fiction, magazine articles 
and children's books, but didn't produce another major novel until "Sailor 
Song" in 1992, his long-awaited Alaska book, which he described as a story of 
"love at the end of the world."

"This is a real old-fashioned form," he said of the novel. "But it is sort of 
the Vatican of the art. Every once in a while you've got to go get a blessing 
from the pope."

Kesey considered pranks part of his art, and in 1990 took a poke at the 
Smithsonian Institution by announcing he would drive his old psychedelic bus 
to Washington, D.C., to give it to the nation. The museum recognized the bus 
as a new one, with no particular history, and rejected the gift.

In a 1990 interview with The Associated Press, Kesey said it had become 
harder to write since he became famous.

"Famous isn't good for a writer. You don't observe well when you're being 
observed," he said.

In 1990, Kesey returned to the University of Oregon - where he had earned a 
bachelor's degree in journalism - to teach novel writing. With each student 
assigned a character and writing under the gun, the class produced "Caverns," 
under the pen name OU Levon, or UO Novel spelled backward.

Among his proudest achievements was seeing "Little Tricker the Squirrel Meets 
Big Double the Bear," which he wrote from an Ozark mountains tale told by his 
grandmother, included on the 1991 Library of Congress list of suggested 
children's books.

"I'm up there with Dr. Seuss," he crowed.

Fond of performing, Kesey sometimes recited the piece in top hat and tails 
accompanied by an orchestra, throwing a shawl over his head while assuming 
the character of his grandmother reciting the nursery rhyme, "One Flew Over 
the Cuckoo's Nest."

Born in La Junta, Colo., on Sept. 17, 1935, Kesey moved as a young boy in 
1943 from the dry prairie to his grandparents' dairy farm in Oregon's lush 
Willamette Valley.

After serving four months in jail for a marijuana bust in California, he set 
down roots in Pleasant Hill in 1965 with his high school sweetheart, Faye, 
and reared four children. Their rambling red barn house with the big 
Pennsylvania Dutch star on the side became a landmark of the psychedelic era, 
attracting visits from myriad strangers in tie-dyed clothing seeking 

Furthur rusted away in a boggy pasture while Kesey raised beef cattle.

Kesey was diagnosed with diabetes in 1992.

His son Jed, killed in a 1984 van wreck on a road trip with the University of 
Oregon wrestling team, was buried in the back yard. Kesey also wrestled in 

In a recorded message on Kesey's office phone, Babbs said: "Ken Kesey, a 
great husband, father, granddad and friend. Done in by a bum liver. As 
always, he gave it a great fight, but his body pulled its last dirty trick 
and done him in. If he has on legacy it is for us the living to carry on with 
courage, compassion, generosity and love."

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