> oh yes!!!! at last somebody has the courage to trashshshshsh that
> third-rate metaphor avalanche, toni morrison. please somebody take
care of
> paul auster next.
> no one comes close to the classics. no one. i read contemporaries
only if
> it's something like joe keenan, you know, american comedy style
novels. the
> rest of my time i devote to casual sex and edith wharton.
> wallyK, so much like mark from seattle sometimes. must be my moon in

Wallushska, we're not going to discuss what's in (or been in) your

I do have to admit that I have read one Toni Morrison novel and of
course it's 'Beloved'.  But I do think it's an amazing book.  I
confess, there was some of it that I just didn't get and those parts
may have been a bit more obtuse than necessary.  But overall I think
'Beloved' is a powerful and beautiful work.  To each his own.  I may
not be as enthusiastic about any of Morrison's other books if I ever
get around to reading any of them.

I've been reading the Joni bio.  When I finish that I will either take
up Virginia Woolf's 'The Voyage Out' or re-read Hardy's 'Far From the
Madding Crowd' which I don't think I've read since high school.  I
picked both of these up recently in one of Seattle's many used book
stores.  One of the many reasons I feel in love with the place 23
years ago...

Mark E.

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