Mark E. wrote:

> I do have to admit that I have read one Toni
> Morrison novel and of
> course it's 'Beloved'.  But I do think it's an
> amazing book.  

_Beloved_ is among my two or three favorite novels
ever, right up there with _Crime and Punishment_ and
_Tale of Two Cities_.  I find Morrison's prose almost
aromatic it's so evocative.  Even her most
heartwrenching stories have this inveigling blend of
the otherworldly and the everyday.  The metaphors in
her earlier work were a bit heavy-handed (e.g. _The
Bluest Eye_), but her later work, esp. _Beloved_ is to
my mind sophisticated, magical, and deeply moving.

And in no way do I find her as self-consciously
postmodern as any of the other authors discussed in
that article.  Not that there's anything wrong with
that.  :-)


NP:  Nina Simone, _High Priestess of Soul_


"Greetings cards routinely tell us everybody deserves love.
No. Everybody deserves clean water.  Not everybody deserves
love all the time."

--Zadie Smith, _White Teeth_
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