My partner watches bad science fiction tv shows all
the time. He was watching one for awhile called Earth:
Final Conflict. It was supposed to take place in
Washington DC, but it was filmed in a very poorly
disgiused Toronto.  We could find instances in almost
every episode where there was some recognozable
Toronto landmark visible. On top of that, there are no
skyscrapers in DC, and this show always had this urban
jungle look to it complete with high rise buildings.
Once, they had an interior scene in what looked like a
City Hall chamber, and you could plainly read the
names of Toronto's boroughs which were painted on the
walls at the top of the screen.

Another example-in the movie the Opposite of Sex,
(which I really like) there are scenes supposedly in
South Bend, IN, where people are driving through
mountains! Later, some charecters drive to a
mountainous region of Canada,  from South Bend, in a
trip that appears to take a couple of hours at best.

Then there's The Matrix, which is supposed to take
place in Chicago but is filmed in Sydney and looks
like it.

> Makes me wonder how much disinformation we get from films.
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