And good reporting does not mean showing a left-wing opinion and a 
right-wing opinion.

Deb said:
>There are mainstream papers
>that do aim for objectivity, such as the Christian Science Monitor, NY
>Newsday, NY Times and the Washington Post (although right-wingers would
>probably disagree about the last two)

Left-wingers might disagree too! I certainly would - I don't know the 
Washington Post well but the NY Times is extremely centrist. Though I can 
definitely see where right-wingers would complain about its bias, as 
someone who was a Nader supporter I can say I have been appalled at the 
NYT's coverage of the progressive left and activist concerns in general.

And one last note about Marxism etc - one thing I noticed in some of these 
discussions is the schism between "them" and "Americans." There is 
certainly no singularity in thought among Americans, so it seems fallacious 
to me to create that division. Better to avoid us vs them rhetoric, I think 
- though I know I indulge in it too sometimes!

back to bed now for real,

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