Kakki said:
>The U.S. IS quite socialist already and has been for about 60+ years.

I didn't intend to jump into the political threads this time, just because 
then I get really into it and I post like mad, and I can't do that right 
now because of school and travel and stuff.... but... I couldn't let this 
go by without saying that the US is probably the very least socialist of 
all the post-industrial countries in the world! For better or for worse 
(and I think for worse). And that's all I'm going to say. I think the best 
direction for a post-industrial nation to go is towards social democracy 
(see Sweden). Why would someone care about high taxes when they are 
guaranteed high quality health care, schooling, child care, have a great 
quality of life with time for work and for leisure...

And as far as why there are Marxists in the U.S. "profiting" from the 
capitalist system... There are Marxists who are U.S. citizens. The U.S. is 
their home. Why should they leave? Perhaps they would rather work towards 
change. It is extremely difficult to live in the U.S. and not be an 
accomplice in exploitative systems. That doesn't mean that everyone who 
feels concerned about this should leave! Wouldn't that be convenient... 
suddenly they'd be... gone.

Dude, I just realized it is actually not even 7am yet! I got all confused 
last night and thought my clock was wrong (I can't even remember why) and 
so I woke up at 6:30 thinking it was 8. I can go back to sleep for an hour! 

good night again,

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