Mike paraphrased me:

> Let me see if I have this clear. Lies from the >government is 'a slant'
and lies from marxist >groups are 'outright lies'

Well, to give a non-political example of slant vs. outright lie - here would
be what I consider slant:

"Joni Mitchell is one of the most successful musical artists of all time,
critically acclaimed throughout her 35 year career for her best-selling
albums such as "Blue" and "Court and Spark."

Here would be a positive spin or slant on Joni that is not at all an
outright lie.  However, the slant writer has omitted, either purposely or
unknowingly, any mention of those albums which were not best sellers or
critically acclaimed.

Here, in contrast. is an example of an outright lie:

"Judy Collins wrote some of Joni Mitchell's most well-known hits, including
"Both Sides Now" and "Chelsea Morning."


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