In a message dated 11/15/01 4:16:49 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> My wife tells me I'm in a rut. I usually always play lot of different 
> records, but "Gold" has been in near-constant play since I picked it up. 
> Easily the best record to come out this year, maybe the best in the last 
> decade, in terms of it not being merely a product OR a product of its times 
> but rather in its timelessness. 

Well I guess I'm in the same rut Bob!! lol And worst yet my husband has heard 
me playing it and has asked to borrow it. Now way, I said!  Side four is 
starting to grow on me les, especially hey rosalie ;~) (yes, I found it Bob) 
private joke

~rose in NJ 
NP: Ryan Adams

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