
Very good comments - I think you've hit an important on the head.  I also
think she did get your note and probably did pay attention.  When she was
discussing painting with Stephen and I last month, she went off into a kind
of inarticulate reverie at one point, trying to describe how she has
recently been experiencing the actual act of painting.  In this instance she
was having some difficulty communicating what she meant and was saying "you
know?" a lot.  It's would be easier for me to relate it in person with hand
gestures as she did. ;-) Even though I can't properly or exactly relate it,
what I understood her to be saying is that she was "squinting" a lot more
and really getting into seeing, and practicing with, the micro aspects of
form and color.  The flip side of impulsiveness is great patience and it
sounded like she maybe was enjoying that groove lately.


> During my visits to the exhibit in Saskatoon, I left a note recommending
> illustrator, Rob Howard to Joni. I doubt she got the note... or paid much
attention to it if she did.
>  A shame. <snip> Given her impulsive nature, I can't
> imagine her ever having the patience to master form painting based on
> value. It's so by the numbers. She's so attatched to the idea of color
> hues as expressive content and metaphor. It's hard to believe she'd ever
> give up that "freedom" and start squinting for values. The rules of
> impressionism work great for sweeping panoramas and vistas, but they
> don't work for planes that are an inch or so apart. Compliments don't
> make form in a face.

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