<< In a message dated 11/16/01 10:29:20 PM, Bob Murphy (referring to the Best 
Crhistmas Ever/Louise story I forwarded to the list) wrote:

<< but I thought this story ACTUALLY HAPPENED to Colin >>

Don't feel bad -- several people I sent this to -- exactly one from the list, 
and at least one from outside the list -- thought the same thing -- and 
suggested I embark on a writing career -- not realizing that I am the Editor 
of the (non-existent) "Bitter Unpublished Wrtiers Weekly".

btw, I think you look more like a Patrick O'Callahan than a Bob Murphy, but 
mom and I never did see eye to eye on such things.


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Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 13:22:48 EST
Subject: Re: Best Christmas *Ever* (njc-same situation/story...)
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In a message dated 11/16/01 10:29:20 PM, Murphycopy writes:

<< but I thought this story ACTUALLY HAPPENED to Colin >>

Don't feel bad -- at least one person I sent this to -- exactly one from the 
list, and at least one from outside the list -- thought the same thing -- and 
suggested I embark on a writing career -- not realizing that I am the Editor 
of the non-existent "Bitter Unpublished Wrtiers Weekly".

btw, I think you look more like a Patrick O'Callahan than a Bob Murphy, but 
mom and I never did see eye to eye on such things.



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