>  I find I am not as interested in being disturbed, I'm
> just not really in the mood and would rather focus on brighter more positive
> things.  This is not to say I am not concerned about *actual* problems and
> heartaches in the real world but perhaps place a greater value now on time
> and quality of life and just don't feel a need or desire to explore or
> experience a darker side.

Voctor-I would say this is a positve and healthy attitude to have! Why burden
yourslef with too much shit? It seems you are sensitive and that probably
translates in to the way yopu treat people, having comapssion for them, and
doing what you can. This doesn't mean you have to immerse yourself in other
people's pain.

The listening I do on a regular basis to abuse survivors could easily send one
over the edge, and can lead to a very negative outlook on life. It did for a
while. I choose to listen to upbeat music and also am more careful about what i
choose to watch in the way of tv and film.
I don't want too much realism and I don't really need to be told how bad life
can be. i know. I listen to it day in and day out.

Having said that, sometimes it is healthy to listen to or watch stuff that is
depressing. It helps get you in touch with your feelings, process them and get
the hell out! TI does that for me! Magdelene Laundries, Sex Kills, Job's Sad
Song, Turbulent Indigo, Sunny Sunday, in fact most of them. It acts as a release
valve. if I want to be lifted up I don't often put on Joni. Too heavy, mostly.

There is a big difference tho between what you describe and thos people who just
choose to ignore the suffering in this world and thereby add to it. You aren't
doing that.

I think there is also a way to express pain and make your point without
alienating. Admittedly that is not easy.

Yoiu are right-you have no reason to feel ashamed of being sensitive. It is a
good quality, if a difficult one to live with at times. Just rememebr that those
you complain you are being too sensitve and are usually insensitve and or
abusive people.(abusive people are not necessarily deliberately being so-they
are insensitive to it so don't recognize it).

So stay sensitive and protect yourself. You are useless to yourself and to
others if you if you don't take care of yourself.

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