Have read with interest the postings concerning celebrity sightings and
visits.  Must be very nice.  Would not mind spending an evening with Joni and
though never liked CSN much, or Neil Young, for that matter (at least their
music) I would not be averse to a visit with Stephen either.  Of course Janis
or Missy could visit and stay forever.  Nevertheless, not much of a star
watcher and have never written a fan letter.  Would not go out of my way to
see a star or entertainer perform but understand why others do so.  More
adventuresome and less neurotic than I.  As for me, would much rather hear the
knock of my door tonight and find Kakki or one of the Mary's at my door.  Or
Victor, or wally, or any number of JMDL's, or an old friend.  I guess these
kind of posts are frowned upon here but that is why I sought it out in the
first place, to express my feelings to those whom I thought would understand.
Feeling melancholy and found out tonight that a good friend has only 3 months
to live, or less.  Turned here out of reflex, for expression, and for an
outlet that is not too close.


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