On Mon, 19 Nov 2001 19:22:15  
 JRMCo1 wrote:
 I don't consider her a singer/songwriter though, 'cause as far as I know she doesn't 
play an instrument, which is a prerequisite for membership on that list of mine. 

Hey Julius!  I am a Natalie fan too, and believe that she plays the piano.  Her Maniac 
days are my favorite, although some of her newer stuff (thanks Chris M.) has grown on 
me over the last few years.

What first brought me to the Maniacs and Natalie was an add for In My Tribe in Rolling 
Stone likening her to Joni.  That was all the push I needed.  

So, jumpin' on the Nat Bandwagon while falling off the other wagon!

n.p. Tom Petty "Something in the Air"

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