>>What I'm questioning is why this
trend--i.e. this *change*--is only notable to
marketers and certain segments of the public when it
occurs in predominantly white music.

The change/trend has been around in predominantly
black music for quite a while.  And most of the white
public, including much (though *certainly* not all--hi
Bob!) of this list is completely ignorant of it.<<<

In my world the s-s trend has always been happening (if not
commercially)...i am just happy that there is some evidence that kids are
interested in this genre again...i guess it is to be expected...the music
pendulum is always swinging...imo its best to stay with the genre definition
rather than the literal definition of singer/songwriter because that is how
the biz uses it...

Someone asked if we could get back to dissing Jewel & B Spears...Okay, tho i
haven't bought any of the B Spears records, I watched her Las Vegas concert
the other night on HBO. Her dancers were good...lots of lights & cool
sets...she didn't really dance...her moves were skips, hops, hip & head
swivels...& her vocals were mixed real low...to her credit it is hard to
sing & dance at the same time & she had a lot of choreographed moves to
remember...but the overall impression i got was that it was a sex
show...which is fine for adults...but when they showed all the young kids in
the audience...to my mind this was pretty age inappropriate...

Which is one reason why it is heartening to me to hear that kids may be are
interested in singer/songwriter genre music...

Kate Bennett
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