Hey swinger -

> Another favorite is Keely Smith, hey I would >like another cocktail

One of my earliest and most prominent memories was of my parents constantly
tuning in to watching Keely Smith and Louis Prima on TV. I always thought
she had a cool name and looked just like my Aunt Marge ;-)  They had quite a
show.  About a year or so ago, I was out driving and our former good station
here had an incredible interview with her. This lady has had the most
amazing life and is a marvelous storyteller.  Back in the 70s I was a
finalist in the American Song Festival lyric competition.  One of the judges
personally contacted me to ask if I had music to go with it and if I would
submit a demo to his artist management company.  While I was thrilled I was
also a little taken aback by his name - Piggy Smith.  But I corresponded
with him and sent him a demo which he shopped around but was unable to
"sell."  He was very nice, however, and asked me to keep in touch with him.
I later learned he was Keely's brother, the former head of A&R at Capital
Records and somewhat of a legend!  I still have his handwritten letters to
me stuffed in a box somewhere around here ;-)


NP:  Buffalo Springfield Box Set - Baby Don't Scold Me - Demo (ooh Stills
out in front ;-)

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