It's amazing how threads like this always come up when I was thinking about
it! So I was listening to Charles Ives (early-mid 20th century composer) who
was a brilliant musician and manipulator of sound. I had to listen for this
Music in American society class and I really respected what he was doing in
his compositions and the uniqueness and technical greatness. However, I
found myself not really enjoying listening to it. He uses a lot of
dissonance, and while I like dissonance I am not fond of dissonance sounding
like it is purposeful and just out of place to be out of place. Hard to
explain, but anyways...
Back to work...or something...miss y'all I've kinda been immersed in
studying and research.
Love Nikki

"Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight. You've got to kick
at the darkness til it bleeds daylight." Bruce Cockburn

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