All right Sue ! I will be listening between 7 and 8 (and more, if necessary).

I had alerted the list to WFUV's Joni day just before you did, as a result of 
my recent listening (I had not been aware of the station until a couple of 
months ago).

Well, Sunday I was on my way to work (ugh) when the guy on WFUV decides to 
play four covers in a row from Blue:

Blue                  Sarah McLachlan
A Case of You    Phoebe Snow
River                  Holly Cole
All I Want           Keith Jarrett (apropos of his recent concert review by 
Stephen Epstein)

And the guy (forgot his name) tries to describe how great a songwriter JM is 
and gives up - saying "well, it's just so obvious".

So, I figure I'd better subscribe to the station as a matter of conscience 
(not to mention tithing for the propagation of the faith), which I did. I 
believe they do this all day thing on her birthday every year (only a few 
artists are so honored - I was told by a friend that Hank Williams is 
another). Can learn more at

Speaking of which, Bob M, have you considered (or done) any covers CD's that 
replicate a JM album (using the best of the covers) ? I realize that may not 
be possible for all of the albums, but it must be possible for at least some 
of them.

Finally, another friend who was at the Central Park Joni Jazz concert 
wondered if there was a tape of that - I recall your posting that there was - 
could you update me on that ?

Bob S

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