Hi, all,

I'm still a relative new3comer, so i don't know if this kind of idea has been 
kicked around before, but following up on my comment of a few days ago that I 
felt that both DJRD and TtT were "closure" albums in some sense, bringing in 
songs of differing styles to... I don't know, tie up loose ends before moving 
on to another style.  This is more of an impression or a vague idea than a 
strong conviction.  Anyway, i took another look at the songs of Tiger over 
the last couple of days and thought of looking in her past catalog for 
"bookend" songs, songs that complement the ones on Tiger in one way or 

For example, when I first heard Man From Mars (it was the version on the 
Grace of My Heart soundtrack, not sung by the Jonester herself -- btw, did 
she write this song specifically for the movie, or is it abiout a cat of hers 
that wandered off, or what?  I also seem to remember hearing something about 
her delaying the release of the soundtrack album from the movie because of 
some difficulties w/r/t this song.  Anybody know the truwe poop about all 
this?), I thought immediately of Edith and the Kingpin -- particularly the 
line about hearing the wiring in the walls.

Another example is Harlem In Havana, which made me think immediately of 
Cotton Avenue from DJRD.

Love Puts On a New Face -- Well, obviously, In France they Kiss on Main 
Street, but also to some extent Silky Veils of Ardor.

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