
Um, i was in the middle of writing something about songs from TtT reminding 
me of songs from earlier albums when, for some reason, it disappeared.  I 
don't know if it got mailed or what.  I'm going to assume it was mailed, and 
just go on from there.  If not, I'll reconstruct the first part and send it 

Both Lead Balloon and TtT the song are about the music biz, so Free Man In 
Paris comes to mind.

No Apologies -- Lots of Possiblities, including Sex Kills, 3 Great 
Stimulants, Dog Eat Dog, Magdalene Lauderies -- all of her poltical/social 
songs over the years

Crazy Cries of Love -- maybe Underneath the Streetlights?

Stay In Touch and Face Lift are both at the sweet end of the spectrum, and 
remind me of Jericho, I'm a Lucky Girl and maybe Love;  although Face Lift 
starts out with her quarreling with her mom, which reminds me of Let The Wind 
Carry Me.

So is this topic threadworthy?  Maybe it's been done before, or maybe someone 
would like to do the same thing with another album -- find "bookends", that 



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