Oh please tell me this will be repeated...we had a gig & missed it. Was it 3
hours long? I am such a gigantic Sting fan...mostly his earlier solo stuff &
of course the Police. In my research on Jonimitchell.com for our Joni
Tribute I learned that Joni was a huge Police fan. But you all probably
already know this. Here is an excerpt:

'Joni flew to the Caribbean for a six week vacation/writing expedition. Joni
was also in the islands to get the feel of the music. Reggae was playing
everywhere she went, and when she visited a local disco 3 or 4 times a week
to dance, she heard the popular songs of the day. This was where she was
introduced to the pop-rock polyrhythm music of groups like Steely Dan,
Talking Heads, and especially the Police. She fell in love with their music.
Joni told Musician magazine about her admiration for the Police: "Their
rhythmic hybrids, and the positioning of the drums, and the sound of the
drums, was one of the main calls out to me to make a more rhythmic album".'

Kate Bennett
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