Thanks for the birthday wishes.  Mags, Paz, Wally, you guys are the BEST!!
(Paz hates getting second billing. hee hee)  I'm on digest so if I left
someone off, please don't take offense.

I had a great birthday especially since Anna came to visit this weekend.  We
both love the Cowboy Junkies so that's what gets played the most when she's
here and that's great.

Yesterday afternoon though, when she was napping, I put on some of "my"
music.  She called out to me, "I used to have this!  Yeah, I used to have
this on a compilation tape.  I lost the tape and I thought I'd never hear it
again!  What is it?"

My heart swelled as I calmly answered, "It's called 'See You Sometime' from
an album called 'For The Roses' by.... Joni Mitchell."

Anna said, "Really?  I LOVE THIS SONG!!  This is a GREAT song."


Smilin' Lama

ps, The wierdest part of the weekend was when she compared her $99
all-plastic CD player at home with my big rig that's worth more than my
feckin' car:  "I can't tell a difference."


ppss, Mags, I was completely and utterly SAFE on that ladder at JoniFest NE
2001!  I swear!  As my Jewish cousins on Long Island might say, "Enough with
the ladder, already!"

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