Hi, all,

I figure at least some of you must also be into vitamins and/or health food, 
so I thought you might want to know about what Codex is up to in Berlin:

Codex meets next week in Berlin to continue their pharmaceutically

 backed plan to severely limit sales and potency of vitamins. 

 Codex would like the manufacturer of all vitamins in the hands of

 pharmaceutical companies which would limit the potency and raise the

 prices of vitamins.  Pharmaceutical companies have already been buying

 up vitamin companies in a trojan horse attempt to take over the

 industry.  Additionally they have limited the sale of certain products

 like Red Yeast Rice by forcing the vitamin industry to remove any

 benefits from the product label and limiting any supporting

 ingredients i.e., garlic from the product.  (Red Yeast Rice has been

 shown in research to lower cholestrol as well as any current drug with

 none of those annoying side effects)

You can protest this with one click [editorial note from Walt:  it's more 
than "one click", but it won't take more than a minute of your time] if you 
go to:


For those who think vitamins and health food are a waste of time or an 
annoying interruption, my apologies.



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