Hi, all,

I was walking to my mailbox about 1/2 mile from my apartment, and was 
*softly* but audibly singing Passion Play from NRH (anyone who ever heard me 
sing would applaud the "softly" part -- I do it to avoid scaring animals and 
small children, and probably plants) when I got to the lines "I am up a 
sycamore/looking through the leaves/A sinner of some position" just as I 
passed a man of the cloth.  Perfect timing.  He probably thought, "Oh great, 
another sinner singing off key -- I gotta get him for my choir", but 
apparently he thought the better of it, and just gave me a look.

I went into my favorite bookstore, A Clean, Well-Lighted Place For Books, 
(that's really the name -- other San Franciscans can verify), and went as 
usual over to the music section.  I saw a series of little books -- called 
Rough Guides -- one of which was called something like "The 100 CDs You Must 
Have".  I had to look to see which Joni album was in it, and ta-da!  HoSL!  I 
know there are several jmdlers who particularly like that album (Jim L'H, if 
I'm not mistaken) -- I do -- but I've never seen it in any "Top 100" kind of 
list (more often, one sees Blue, C&S or Hejira), so I was pleasantly 
surprised.  (I neglected to check the date on the book or the series of Rough 
Guides, so this may be old news.)

btw, I bought a book in spite of being broke -- it bothered me that I no 
longer remembered augmented, diminished and suspended chords -- and I *used* 
to know these things, I used to be able to wing it with/from a fake book --  
so I bought a book about basic chord structure (for piano).  I miss playing, 
and in spite of my shaking hands, I'm thinking of trying again.  Hell, if 
Joni can play with Post-Polio, I can play with neuropathy.  I hope. :-)



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