Walt wrote:
Sorry to bother the list with this, but I got a
mailing from Mark or Travis or mark_travis with an
attachment that I couldn't open.  When I tried 
to send a message to him/them, it bounced back.  The
address was familiar, and of ourse it was in reference
to my earlier posting, so I'm not worried 
about it - -- just curious because I couldn't open the
attachment, and then couldn't respond.

I removed the (NJC) as this may be important for all
to read.  Fearing a  virus or hacker may be at work.
I also received a similar mailing to Walts, except
mine was from Victor.  I tied to open it at work, but
first I ran a virus scan and it came up POSITIVE! It
also went to a bulk mail box, rather than my normal
one.  Furthermore, I have been trying to post for 2
days now and my "Joan Armatrading" post has never
gotten on digest.  Just concerned someone is hacking
the JMDL.  I am also going to send this privately to a
few people in case this also does not post, sorry for
any inconvenience, I just want to figure out the
problem or prevent one.


Please let me know if you receive this ASAP
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