> From: "Kate Bennett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Ryan Adams,PHD,Sting  NJC
> Terry, I think it is a cd that grows on you as you listen to it so try
> spinning it a few more times maybe. I found myself hearing so many classic
> influences in the songs...Van Morrison, Dylan, Rolling Stones, The Band,
> Neil Young...
Hi Kate,

I agree with the above influences.  In fact, all of Paris subway has huge
advertising placards about Ryan which say he's a cross between Neil and
Dylan (or is it Van?).
Anyway, I hear another influence there: John Hiatt, one of the greatest
singer/songwriter in my book.

Just like most people in this list, I checked Ryan out of curiosity and
instantly liked him, especially the 1st album.  This sharing of experiences
is what JMDL is about.  Keep it up.


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