Sybil said
>>One thing that has puzzled me that I haven't seen explained completely is
why the name change from the U.K. to the States? Does the word philosopher
have some different connotation to the British that Americans just wouldn't
get?  I know there are enough British listmembers that surely someone can
explain it to me.<<

Colin thought it was that
>>quite simply the American distributers/makers/producers or whatever assume
American public is stupid and wouldn't understand the word Philosopher.<<

I don't think it's that simple.

I don't think there is anything different between the British and American
meaning of 'philospher' but the expression 'philosophers' stone' doesn't refer
to a stone that a philosopher might happen to have, but it is a thing in
itself. According to Websters' Dictionary it is (quote) 'an imaginary
substance or preparation believed capable of transforming baser metals into
gold or silver, and of prolonging life'. I imagine the context of the film
would make that clear. There's a big controversy here in Catalonia because
Warner Bros refuse to dub it into Catalan despite the Catalan Government's
offer to pay for it. I think they dubbed it into French for Quebec only but
not for France. Strange goings on, and a boycott is taking place here.
Needless to say, I speak as an expert despite not having read the books or
seeing the film.

NP Brad Mehldau 'Blackbird'

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