Finally, the video tapes from Jonifest 2001 are edited and ready to be 
ordered!! First, I want to remind everyone that the sales from these tapes 
are the ONLY way Rich is getting paid for his time. He has put over 40 hours 
into this project between shooting Friday and Saturday, and hours upon hours 
of editing, and hasn't received a penny for his time yet. So, I am hoping and 
expecting that we sell quite a few sets to pay him for his time. He has 
already agreed to be at Jonifest 2001 to videotape, but I feel strongly that 
we as a group need to be able to make it worth his while. Also, because of 
the above, I really expect people to NOT duplicate the videos for each other, 
but order them directly. Thanks!

I will be sending these videotapes out to be duplicated professionally, so if 
you would like tapes, please get your orders and money in to me right away! 
The deadline for all orders and payment is January 3, 2002. 

Go here to see what is on each tape and order form with prices:

The 2-hour edited version is AWESOME!! Wait until you see how Rich 
transitioned from Friday night to Saturday. Every lister will want one of 
these, especially if they weren't there. It really gives a wonderful flavor 
of the overall weekend. Of course, most people, especially the ones that 
attended, will want the full set!! Enjoy!!!


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