About the Blue lyrics, I agree with Hell here, I think ``the ink of a pin`` is
literally the tattoo ink (as introduced in the first line) and reinforced by
the crown and anchor image - the tatoo - Blue's tattoo? The ``empty space to
fill in`` works well as a metaphor for drawing, writing (a lyric on the page)
and for filling the Void within, in this case, with too much partying - the
hippest way to go. The sinking ones are referred to again as ``the millions of
the lost and lonely ones calling out to be released `` and to be found (The
Same Situation).
I agree that the theme here remains, I love you but I can't deal with your
addictions - in the broader sense. For me, the beauty of the shell image
(retaining the nautical) is that she's saying to Blue, you have all the
answers within.

PS. I'm astonished at all the number of different references to the word blue
in her work; clearly a recurring theme!


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