In a message dated 12/7/01 12:57:31 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> I can *guarantee* that you'll make a good friend by following Ashara's 
> advice.

Hell, I'll chime in here too. I didn't even know Alison when I attended my 
first Jonifest in 2000. We had only exchanged emails and pictures of one 
another so that we knew who the feck (sorry Wally) we were looking for in a 
pub in NYC, and which pub? The one across from MSG. Thank you very much LMAO. 
Neither one of us knew the name and it turned out we had completely two 
different pubs in mind. But after frantically combing the pubs around MSG, I 
found her!!! I'll admit there where times I wanted to kill her. (just kidding 
Ali, you know I love ya :) and we've played nicely together ever since.....

rose in nj
NP: Ryan Adams The Rescue Blues

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