Yo, Gang,

I had the good luck to be at the Bazaar Cafe two nights ago (Wednesday -- it 
was miserably drizzly, nothing unusual in SF), and saw, besides the wonderful 
Garrin  Benfield, who MCs and sings wonderfully, Catherine Chase and Erika 
Luckett.  Catherine sounds like a young Joan Baez to me and I liked her 
enough to buy her CD, but !!!Erika Lucket is an amazing find!!!  Any of you 
coffeehouse-cabaret circuit musicians know her?  She's amazing!  Her lyrics 
are all good, some funny, many musing, and some searing -- check this out, 
from "Lulu" on her second album (My Little Crime):

Five o'clock in the morning and
I don't know where you are.  My
hand stretches over dampened
sheets to find the lengthy ridge of
a scar that doesn't fade, a wound
that does not heal.  The absence of
your breathing is like an ocean
without waves -- an ocean where
the tides have stopped, lost the
pulse of an internal clock.
That's me without you.
That's me without you.

That's just the first verse, and the other two are just as devastating (to 
me, at least).  Oh, and her voice! -- I'm going crazy trying to remember the 
name of a singer (one of the multitude who has been compared to Joni over the 
years -- so unfair -- no one can be Joni, and I'm often mystified even when I 
end up liking the artist) who had an album called "Porcelain".  I had the 
album and loved it, but I just cannot remember her name.  Anyway, Erika's 
voice reminds me of this artist's.  Smooth, maleable, adjusting perfectly to 
each lyric...

Can you tell I like Erika?  If you like intelligent but ?struggling artists, 
check out her website:  <www.erikaluckett.com>

I'm musically smitten, and believe me, it doesn't happen every day.

warm wishes to everyone,


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