Marian said:
>>I have never heard Kenny G. play and I would probably agree with you that
Wayne Shorter plays better than him and most other people for that matter, but
I don't like going there.  I feel there is something inherently bad/wrong in
making these kinds of comparisons/judgments.<<

But surely Marian you will not deny that records by these, and other,
musicians CAN be compared. When we all sent our desert island disks to the
list we had to make objective and/or subjective judgments on what to include
on the list. Surely your criterion for inclusion was that you (and all of us
too, of course) felt that these records were better than others. If not, how
did you decide?

Marian continued
>>As a mom, I make a big effort not to compare one child with another.  I try
to be supportive of all of their creative and other efforts at learning and
growing.  In my view, in an ideal world, we would all approach each other in
this manner.  We would all urge/encourage each other to find and express what
is inside. It is my view that criticizing others is a way of avoiding
exploring one's own creative urges/abilities.<<

I can't speak as a parent although I agree with the sentiment you express. As
a teacher I also try not to compare one student with another although it is
part of my job to 'grade' the work they produce. It doesn't mean I feel some
are superior to others but one can't deny that the work they produce
determines if they get to the next level or have to stay and repeat. The
system doesn't work otherwise. I try my best to make all my students produce
the best they can although some students' best is better than others,

We live in a very competitive world and I wish there were other ways to live
our lives other than in competition with everyone else from a very early age
although I have yet to find it.


mike in bcn

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