I think this is very true. Marian's post reminds me that truly this is the
highest essence of the arts. It is about self-expression. I have been oh so
guilty of saying I don't get why so & so is popular, but I think when this
is the case it is because they are getting huge commercial success when
others are not. However, commercial success has a lot to do with what kind
of marketing dollars are behind the artist. When it comes to the music
marketplace, its not always about art. Its about making $. Still, I like
your reminder, Marian that criticizing can also be avoiding one's own

>>>As a mom, I make a big effort not to compare one child with another.  I
to be supportive of all of their creative and other efforts at learning and
growing.  In my view, in an ideal world, we would all approach each other in
this manner.  We would all urge/encourage each other to find and express
what is inside.  It is my view that criticizing others is a way of avoiding
exploring one's own creative urges/abilities.<<<

Kate Bennett
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