"The impetus for the song had come as James Taylor teetered on the brink of 
impending stardom, as she described:
     I was watching his career and I was thinking that as his woman at that 
time I should be able to support him. And yet it seemed to me that I could 
see the change in his future would remove things from his life. I felt like 
having come through, having had a small taste of success, and having seen the 
consequences of what you think it's going to give you-well, I just felt I was 
in no position to help. I knew what he needed was someone to support him and 
say it was all wonderful. But everything I saw him going through was 
ludicrous, because I thought it was ludicrous when I'd done it. It was a very 
difficult time and the song was actually written for that person: 'In the 
office sits a poet and he trembles as he sings and he asks some guy to 
circulate his soul around........"

Taken from Karen O'Brien's S&L biography on Joni. Don't know the source 
If you want to read more, you have to buy the book, right Karen?

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