Jim had done an incredible job of presenting the heart
and soul of the Hommage to Joni Mitchell which took
place in Toronto in October. I could barely read it
through the tears!!! We were all bursting with pride
throughout...and for me, there were so many, many
moments of *gasp* omg...and tears and holding onto
Brei beside me, catching glimpses of Steve Polifka's
reactions on the other side of me (yea lucky me!) and
all the while, I am thinking I cannot believe I am
really here. It must have been all of that a hundred
fold for the jmdlers closer to the stage. Tonnes of
tears of appreciation for our Joni.

All of the performances were unique, special,
wonderful. Rebecca Jenkins is the shining star for
me...her rendition of Two Grey Rooms is magnificent
and yes, Joni did stand and raise her hands above her
head, clapping in appreciation. Joni obviously loves
Rebecca's voice too!

And speaking of Rebecca Jenkins, a colleague of mine
at work gave me a CD of Bruce Cockburn covers and
Rebecca does a superb job of All The Diamonds....if
you are interested (Jimmy??Coyote Rick??) let me know.

Please do yourself a favour and go and have a read of
Jim's latest segment of the Hommage. It is brilliant
and real and moving. Just like being there. And what
an honour to be there. It was touching to see how much
Joni is loved so deeply by everyone. Including us.
Every single one of us.  Thanks to Jim for all your
hard work. You are so special.

love, Mags.
npimh: Joni singing Slouching Toward Bethlehem...just
you wait...it is unbelievable!!!! She sings from her

And this loving is a drawing close,
a tuning in, an opening.
Until one perfect moment;
but how can it be expressed?
A receiving, an enfolding
as I cradle you in my arms.
Within my heart, within my soul,
You are my true love.

     --Lui Collins


                 / /\_,

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