There is something so amazing about playing Beatles music...first of all,
there are soooo many songs & they are sooo diverse...& also most everyone
knows the songs enough to sing along....

We started the evening with someone saying...lets play something everyone
knows (most of us were used to gigging doing our own material & everyone
wanted to do something else other than originals)...we started with While My
Guitar Gently Weeps....& that is all she wrote...we sang one Beatle song
after another til we ran out of songs we knew how to play....

I agree, it would be fun to do a Beatle fest at Joni fest if enough people
were into that!

>>I love that! I have spontaneous Beatle extravaganzas all the time. the
night two friends came over to play and we ended up doing mostly Beatles and
Harrissongs. We do it alot at parties too. My kids love them. I remembeer
one night I had my friend Bill Dillon (played on Night Ride Home and
Turbulent Indigo + tons of other records type his name in at
and be amazed at this mans discography) and his wife over for dinner. After
supper we went into the living room and picked up the acoustics and started
playing. Several hours later (and many many Beatle tunes) my wife asked if
we were gonna do anything else besides Beatles, to which we both replyed at
the same time "NO!" And of course we all died laughing and kept right on
with the Beatle Fest, which come to think of it would be a gas to do at the
next JMDL get together.



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