Oh, now!  Here we go again.  C'mon kids, its not that bad.  My Secret Place, Cool 
Water, Lay Down Your Arms, etc...these are some of the best listenin' this side of I 
don't know what.  Far superior to DED, which I also like.  I think that CMIARS is 
aging well, and in 20 years, will be better received by new converts than others from 
the 80/90's period, even say Turbulent Indigo (which is a great record, but not nearly 
as interesting.)  CMIARS is smooth studio Joni, which I love.  I couldn't possibly 
listen to the croaky, clunky Not To Blame one more time.



colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Now if you want to bellyache about an album  ... the Chalkmark in a Rainstorm
> > was a washout.
> well i think  i agree on that one. i hardly ever listen to it. like Lakota tho.
> --
> bw
> colin
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