sorry for the previous blank email...
I remember "River" on this show.  Got my
attention.  I recall one of the characters, a
single raspy-voiced woman, once singing/speaking
a snippet of "All I Want".  I believe she might
have been making a video for a dating service?? 
"I want to knit you a sweater, want to write you
a love letter..."  The same people who produced
that show now do one called, "Once and Again",
and I have heard Rickie Lee Jones as well as
Jonatha Brooke on that one.  These guys may make
whiny shows, but their musical tastes are pretty

While I'm here out of lurkdom, a couple of
things... Bob, in SC, I was interested to see
your NP - John Mayer.  Remember about six months
ago I wrote you asking if you knew of this guy? 
He's a big deal here in Birmingham, comes around
every couple of months.  Nice to see he's
catching on elsewhere.

Kate in SoCal - My husband and I purchased a
guitar for our teenaged daughter for Christmas.
Though she has expressed some interest, she
doesn't play (yet!) so we did not want to invest
tons in something she may have little interest
in.  After much searching, settled on a Taylor
"Baby", as she is very petite and does not easily
handle standard sized guitars.  I thought of you
immediately.  It has a beautiful sound, and is so
nice and portable as well.  

Bye y'all.

Check out Yahoo! Shopping and Yahoo! Auctions for all of
your unique holiday gifts! Buy at
or bid at

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