<<While I'm here out of lurkdom, a couple of
things... Bob, in SC, I was interested to see
your NP - John Mayer.  Remember about six months
ago I wrote you asking if you knew of this guy? >>

Thanks for the info about 30-something, Jane...goes to show I didn't watch that show 
much. It was pretty good, but had a chick feel to it. I just watched it because I 
lusted after all the female characters on the show! ;~)

As for Mayer, I remembered your comments, and after he played here (I wasn't able to 
make it), I asked the club owner how the show went. He said the place was PACKED, and 
when he called Mayer's management to get him again, he was told that John was now too 
big to be booked in that small of a hall.

So, I did pick up the CD (Room For Squares) this weekend. And I was blown away...this 
is a better Dave Matthews record than Everyday! ;~) But seriously folks, these songs 
are the bomb, and the guy is a definite player to be reckoned with. I just didn't gush 
about him because I just got through gushing about Ryan and I figured nobody would pay 
attention. Anyway, I haven't filed away my Ryan yet, but John is now getting the prime 
airtime in the Muller abode.

Thanks for the lil' de-lurk, Jane!


NP: Joni, "Coyote/Don Juan's Reckless Daughter medley"

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